🌉What is Brydge?

Brydge is a blockchain-agnostic protocol for secure and simple payments. Developers can use Brydge to build a simple payments experience as a core part of your app's infrastructure.

On-chain payments are critical for mass adoption. Our goal is to empower you to onboard crypto's next billion users--with safety and simplicity at the core.

Learn how Brydge works with our Co-Founder, Zach:

Brydge is comprised of three key components:

Liquidity Pool deposits:

Enable your users to add liquidity to your pools in 1-click using any token from any supported blockchain.

🏦Liquidity Pool Deposit


Enable your users to buy your NFTs, stake in your pools, and execute arbitrary calldata using any token from any supported blockchain.

🖼️Purchasing, Staking, Minting, and More

Cross-Chain Swap:

Enable your users to buy your token, right on your website.

🔄Cross-Chain Swap

Last updated