🏦Liquidity Pool Deposit

Enable your users to add liquidity to your pools in 1-click using any token from any supported blockchain

Adding liquidity to your pools is hard, especially for new users. Here's the normal process for adding liquidity to a Quickswap WETH-USDC pool, beginning with ETH on Ethereum:

  1. Deposit ETH to an Ethereum --> Polygon bridge

  2. Wait for WETH to arrive in wallet on Polygon

  3. Get MATIC from a faucet or CEX for gas

  4. Approve WETH spend to Quickswap router contract

  5. Swap 50% of WETH --> USDC

  6. Swap remaining 50% of WETH --> WMATIC

  7. Approve USDC spend to the Quickswap router contract

  8. Approve WMATIC spend to the Quickswap router contract

  9. Deposit USDC-WMATIC liquidity and receive LP token

With Brydge, your users can now add liquidity to your pools by:

  1. Connecting wallet to the Brydge widget on your website

  2. Selecting any token from any supported chain to use

  3. Choosing how much liquidity to deposit

  4. Confirming 1 in-wallet transaction

Use the above example in production here.

View the integration docs for Liquidity Deposit Mode:

🚰pageLiquidity Pool Deposit Mode - Integration Docs

Last updated